Part 2 Challenge 2 solution - SDSF Master the Mainframe 2019 IBM MTM 2019

SDSF – Master the Mainframe 2019 – Part 2 Challenge 2 solution

In my previous post we solved Challenge 1 which introduced us to TSO/ISPF. In Challenge 2 we will learn about SDSF. That is System Display and Search Facility. So, Let’s start.

Please note that I have also made a video lecture on this post. So, if you like video tutorials instead of reading a post, then you can go to the below link to watch the video.

Part 2 Challenge 2 of Master the Mainframe 2019

What is SDSF?

SDSF is a panel driven interface. So, just like ISPF, we can navigate through it by giving commands, numbers, or menu shortcuts such as ‘st’ which will take us to the status of jobs. IBM has also made a video explaining this topic. So, I recommend that you go to the below link and watch it before proceeding further.

Let’s solve Part 2 Challenge 2

Log in to the TSO environment. Then give the command sd to go to SDSF.

sd command to go to SDSF
sd command to go to SDSF

Then, Enter the below command

prefix *; owner z51555; st
Prefix * will display all the jobs.
Owner z51555 means show all the job owned by z51555 -- remember to replace z51555 with your id
st will display status of jobs
prefix *; owner z51555; st command
prefix *; owner z51555; st command
Result of the command
Result of the command

Then, submit the below command:

tso submit 'zos.public.jcl(pgm01a)'
tso submit command
tso submit command

When it asks for a jobname character then enter c and press the ENTER key.

tso job submitted
tso job submitted
job ended with MAXCC 0
job ended with MAXCC 0

You will now see a new job Z5155C.

New JOB will now appear in SDSF
New JOB will now appear in SDSF

Go to the front of this job and give a ?

see the JOB output by giving ? in front of the JOB
see the JOB output by giving ? in front of the JOB
SDSF JOB Data set display
SDSF JOB Data set display

So, you now see the job output. Also, to see the details of any DDNAME just give s in front of it, like shown below:

Give s in front of the DDNAME to see the output details
Give s in front of the DDNAME to see the output details
This is the content of SYSOUT DDNAME
This is the content of SYSOUT DDNAME

Task to complete Part 2 Challenge 2

So, this is the final task to complete Challenge 2 of part 2. All you have to do is copy SYSOUT to another dataset called P2.OUTPUT(#02).

So go in front of SYSOUT and give xdc in the NP column

xdc to copy content of SDSF DDNAME to another dataset
xdc to copy content of SDSF DDNAME to another dataset
SDSF Open Print Data set
SDSF Open Print Data set

Notice the first 3 lines. Make sure they are correct and have the below values:

Data set name ===> P2.OUTPUT
Member to use ===> #02
Disposition   ===> SHR

Now just press the ENTER key and then go to the dataset P2.OUTPUT. In this dataset, you have to browse the member #02.

BROWSE #02 of P2.OUTPUT dataset
BROWSE #02 of P2.OUTPUT dataset

If the dataset contains the below data then your challenge was successful.

P2.OUTPUT(#02) dataset content
P2.OUTPUT(#02) dataset content

Purge jobs in SDSF

We can Purge jobs by giving P in front of it.

Purge jobs from SDSF
Purge jobs from SDSF
Give 1 to confirm purging of job
Give 1 to confirm purging of job
JOB is now purged from SDSF
JOB is now purged from SDSF

That is it !!!

Part 2 Challenge 2 is now complete.
In the next post, we will solve Part 2 Challenge 3.

See you there !!!

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